Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fourth Night Out 9/26/2010

Today was another warm day in the high 60's and paired with the full moon I didn't know what to expect for the evening hunt.  I decided to try my bow stand on the alfalfa field once again.  The first action I had was a pair of coons that walked right under my stand.  About 20 mins later two deer were out on the field and one of them was that same little spike buck.  As the night grew darker not much had changed.  The deer really seemed to be content with waiting for night before feeding and I left the stand only to have seen those two deer.

1 comment:

  1. Hunting in general is a sport that sometimes gets a bad rap because of a few hunters that are either unwilling or unable to follow rules. Great hunting opportunities are available across the country as long as we are willing to obey rules and build a rapport with the land owners that have these opportunities.
