2010 Harvest Pictures

Here are some of the bucks harvested in 2010 by friends, family, and local area hunters.

 (Jay Schmitz with his buck that green grossed scored 196 2/8)

 (Suzi Karvonen with her buck that green scored a gross of mid 190 in.

 ( Brady Winter with his Nebraska 4x4 mule deer)

 (Kevin Trana from Henning MN took this nice 9 point buck)

(Chad Gillespie shot these two bucks during first and second weekend of rifle season)

(Amanda Kneisl of Bertha-Hewitt shot this 12 point buck during the rifle season)

 (Pictured below is Cody Salo with his rifle buck)

(Pictured to the left is Jason Hotakainen with his rifle buck)

(Pictured to the right is Cody Gronvold with his rifle buck)

(Pictured to the left is Aaron Wilschewski with his first ever Whitetail buck!)

Pictured below is Marty Wolf with the Sticker Buck taken by bow on Oct. 23

Pictured below is Dean Salo with his 8 pt. Bow kill

 Pictured below is Chase Helmeke with his first ever rooster pheasant

Pictured below is Travis Fritel and his buck taken by bow in ND (buck officially grossed 173 & 1/8)

Pictured below is Ken Peltier with his Black Bear bow kill.  Estimated weight is 300lbs.