My name is Ted Rud and I created this blog to follow my hunting season and to share pictures/videos of deer and wildlife. I will be trying to update weekly and hope to include pictures of deer and harvests taken by other
hunters. I'm all for QDM! (Quality Deer Management)
Opening day and already the weather doesn't want to cooperate... darn rain. At least I was able to hunt in the morning and managed to see several deer. I had a Spike Buck and a fawn walk within feet from the tree I was sitting in and saw several deer throughout the morning. Early on, I was able to spot what I thought was the Bent Horn Buck at ~ 220 yards away. He was grazing on an alfalfa field and left within minutes of good shooting light. I had one doe within range (35 yds) but am waiting a bit longer before using an intensive harvest tag.
Since my last post, I have acquired a Bushnell Trophy HD trail camera and am very impressed with the Quality of Video. Currently, I have an old Moultree Camera, the Cuddeback Attack IR and this new Bushnell Trophy HD.
Its been a couple weeks since last checking my cameras but the Bent Horn Buck, the Big Eight and some new bucks make an appearance! Pictures & Videos Below
Bent Horn Post-Velvet
Bent Horn Buck
The Big 8 makes another appearance
Eight JR and his close up
New 9 point buck as velvet begins to come off
Oscar (Trash Rack)
Oscar with a better view of his Trash on the Left antler