Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kindred Buck!

One day too late!  Just got back from bow hunting tonight and below is a picture from last night!  Going to try again tomorrow so hope he comes back!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bucks in Bachelor Groups

Bucks are running in small bachelor groups and will soon branch off on their own, but for now, multiple bucks in one picture can be seen more often.  Pictured above are two 9 point bucks.  The one on the left is the Split Brow 9 and the one on the right is the One Brow 9.  I have several pictures and videos of these two near hit-lister bucks along with 3-4 different 2 1/2 yr old 8 point bucks.  Often 2-3 off them in the same picture (SEE BELOW).


 Below are a few videos of bucks taken over the last few weeks.  In the top video is a couple of nice 8 point bucks.  The Split Brow 9 makes an appearance in the bottom two videos and the One Brow 9 appears at the beginning of the bottom video.


Hunting ND

I was able to get permission to hunt some land near Kindred ND and after a few weeks of having a trail camera set up on some apples and a salt lick I've started to get a few incoming bucks!  Below are a few pictures including a nice main frame 8 pointer with a broken left brow tine.